Wednesday 16 March 2011


So today I'm walking to the bus stop and I see twin girls at the side of the road talking to a Domino's driver on the other side of the road. Normally that wouldn't mean anything to me, seems like a pretty standard occurrence doesn't it?

Now comes the point of this blog: they were the twins from Take Me Out. They eventually walked to the end of my road and got the same bus as me. 80% of the bus stared at them as they got on and it really made me think "Why the hell are these two girls so special!?" They are two normal girls that went on a dating show to get some action - they are no more special than you or I. They have no particular talents, yet everyone is interested in them, and I can't see why. This celebrity orientated culture we live in is absolutely pathetic. I couldn't give a flying fuck about Jordan's love life, and neither should you. Instead of who's going to be her next baby daddy, think about the people that have recently lost their lives in Japan and the people that remain who have lost their families and homes. These are the people that should occupy your thoughts, not these "celebrities". Rather than buying a shitty magazine telling you all the latest celeb gossip, give your 60p to the Red Cross people outside the Union collecting for people in need.


Otherwise, its been a pretty standard few days. The cheese and wine party was a roaring success - I had a great time, and I hope we have another one ASAP, because I just love cheese that much. We played Monopoly until 3am, at which point I fell asleep, clutching my money and had to be woken up for each of my rolls. I'd stick my hand up, let them put the die in my hand, then drop the die. I landed on James' Mayfair with a hotel. I was bankrupted. It was decided that the game should end.

The next day was just sleeping and watching Blue Planet at Heaton Road. Spending so much time there has really kicked my nesting instinct into gear. I want a house of my own that I can furnish and make lovely. In the meantime, I changed my sheets, bought new pillowcases, bought myself some tulips and organised a trip to IKEA on Friday to get some more bits and bobs :)

Had lunch with Luke today, Wasabiiiiiiiii. Was lovely to have a catch up and he let me get some more ranty rubbish off my chest, which is always hugely appreciated. I bought a few bits in town, mainly things for Friday night, when I will be dressing up as Elmo. Red top, red shorts, red body paint, red hair spray. I need something orange and spherical (but not an orange) to help me make my nose :( Any ideas?

I've just got iBooks for my iPod touch, and I must say I'm very excited about using it on the go - I was on the verge of buying a Kindle but now theres definitely no point in that! iBooks even stores the PDFs I open on my  iPod, so I can keep each weeks ILOs within easy reach, as well as all the bloody papers I've been looking at for my SSC. Having said that, I won't be able to listen to Spotify whilst reading books, as you can't multitask on the iPod touch, so I'll have to actually accrue some mp3s that I want to listen to. Bugger.

I miss Viper Towers.

Lesson 38: Always do your research before spending money - I nearly spent £110 on a Kindle when there's a free app for the iPod Touch that is just the same!

Listening to: The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan.

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