We got the results of our exams yesterday. Despite hours of hard work, I only managed a low pass in the semester test, which, I'm not gonna lie, was a bit of a kick in the balls. I passed everything however, so tomorrow I plan on ringing Edward to discuss our travelling plans for the summer. India and Vietnam, here I come.
I'm still reading my book, and got considerably further last night, having returned to Viper Towers earlier than everyone else (I felt so ill), and to avoid hearing what was going on upstairs! I came across a phrase that amused me - "a perfect stranger". What amused me about the phrase was the notion that a stranger could be anything less than perfect. If you have seen them around more than once are they less of a stranger? Do they become imperfect? Anyway, we have the phrase "nobody's perfect", so what makes a stranger the exception to the rule? Just thinking about this makes my brain hurt.
As I wrote this first section I was sitting in the Union, eating a fantastic bowl of nachos, courtesy of Rich, and reading my book. I felt quite happy to be honest.
Now, I am writing the day after the first half, sitting in Mach's bed. Last night we had fajitas for tea (very yummy, once again) and ended up watching Batman Begins until some ridiculous hour when I passed out on the sofa. I spent the night there by the way. The only reason I'm in his bed now is because I thought it would be very funny to jump on top of him this morning and shout "ATTACK". It was.
We've both messed up our shifts (fucking idiots) and have shifts that we don't want, but we can't swap them because they're both stupid shifts. Brilliant.
I had more to write but I don't remember what it was now. Probably something about my confusion regarding life and the situations that arise in life, but we won't bore you with that for now. I re-iterate lesson 9: Life is confusing.
Lesson 26: A situation is only awkward if you decide it will be. Carry on as normal, and you never know - things may turn out OK.
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